Polycystic ovarian syndrome is perhaps the most common women’s health issue we see in the clinic today. The Office on Women’s Health (of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services) reports that 1 in 10 women of childbearing age suffers from PCOS.
Some of the symptoms associated with this hormonal disorder include cystic acne (particularly along the chin line), hirsutism/alopecia, irregular periods, infertility, low libido, and weight gain. Other conditions associated with PCOS include thyroid issues, gastrointestinal problems (eg., IBS, leaky gut), arthritis/tendinitis, depression/anxiety/stress, sleep dysfunction, and oftentimes we will see blood sugar issues, as well, due to the tendency toward insulin resistance.
In the big picture, PCOS is essentially the result of disregulated hormones and metabolism. In fact, according to preeminent physician Dr. Felish L. Gersh, MD, the main driving forces of this complex syndrome are dysbiosis (of the gut, mouth, vagina, and skin), abdominal fat, insulin resistance, altered immune cell reactivity, and impaired circadian rhythm.
Working with patients who suffer from PCOS involves regular acupuncture, herbal medicine, western supplements, and coaching on lifestyle modifications. There is typically also a period of time during which the patient learns to track her cycles and become more aware of her own hormonal rhythms. It is a process, and it is not easy, but it is effective. We have seen patients’ cycles regulate time and again, with consistent and diligent effort. We have celebrated with patients who began their health journeys with difficult diagnoses, who began having regular periods - and even painless ones! - who then went on to have happy, healthy babies. It’s our honor and joy to accompany them through the challenges and back into hormone health. We are ready to support you in your health journey, as well. To see if we might be able to help, feel free to reach out with any questions. We look forward to hearing from you!